The latest study by researchers, Loretta Fernandez and Amy Mueller, echo our own study by Professor Ian Swain when he compared the 4DflexiSPORT® face mask against others back in May. His findings are published in the Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology.

"Masks don't really act as a sieve," Fernandez explains. "We're not asking them to be like a strainer." Instead, masks need to slow down viral transmission. "If the air paths [into the mask] can be made to have twists and turns, that increases the chance of particles coming into contact with the fibres in the mask where they'll stick and get trapped and reduce viral load into the respiratory system."

The 4DflexiSPORT® face mask reflects this science through the woven maze-like twist and turn construction of a 3D spacer fabric. 

It was discovered fairly early on in the pandemic that exposure to a high viral load is the highest cause of fatality i.e. being subjected to high virus exposure and intake, resulting in the immune system overreacting to the virus and the body causing damage to it's own organs.

Backed by Harley Street consultant Mr Ian Bayley, "over time we'll see this new concept mask used more and more in medical circles".

Coronavirus kills off brain more (Full study)

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